NOV 29: Sideshows

This area is north of NOV 24 and west of NOV 25. It is 10 by 10 yards big. This place is fully lit by magical lights permanently enchanted on the ceiling. The walls, floor and ceiling of this place are all painted in stripes of green, blue, red, yellow and orange.

Most of this area is taken up by slightly raised wooden platforms (2 by 2 yards in size) for various carnival acts (one sign advertises a dancing bear, for example) and 3 larger open subsections (varying in size from 4 by 2 yards to 4 by 5 yards) for bigger attractions (a museum of the weird, a freak show and magic tricks). Most of the sideshows being promoted on nearby signage have been cancelled and packed away when the PCs first enter the area, fleeing for their lives in response to alarms raised. Only the museum of the weird still keeps its entries (a statue of a human made of an otherworldly ultra-tech metal, the world’s biggest boot, the skeleton of a two-headed cow, a mummified mindwarper, a stuffed rabbit with antlers…) on display in reinforced glass cases for the gawkers.

Right now, the local master of the dungeon floor has dispatched a security squad of Nx3 Protected (+2 DR from Armour-15 spell) Goblins and Nx2 Veteran (+3 to all attack skills) Orc Beast Trainers handling N Armoured (+3 DR, +1 unarmed damage) Gladiator Apes and N+6 Killer (+2 damage with all attacks) Dire Wolves (including 1 Alpha) on leashes and chained to posts. These guards will unleash the beasts on any intruders, standing back to attack with any ranged weapons they have while the adventurers are distracted trying to fend off the animals.

Anyone looting the area can grab the 8 belt pouches of the goblin-kin guards, the leftover museum exhibits, and the 6 iron strongboxes in which performers stored their personal income. Coins scavenged from ALL the pouches and strongboxes amount to (3dx500) copper coins and (2dx100) silver coins. The museum of the weird has a rare artefact shortsword The Razor (see Treasures 3: Artifacts of Felltower pages 8-9), a rare artefact Demon Vessel Spirit Flask (see DF 6: 40 Artifacts page 22) and a Stone of Knowledge (Occultism skill, worth $24000, see DF 8: Treasure Tables page 39) on display. The other 8 oddities on display (each one weighs (3d+2)x5 pounds) may be forgeries (identifiable by the proper knowledge skill) or genuine (and thus worth 2dx$2500 to a sage of peculiar tastes) – the GM decides.

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