NOV 22: Second Cell Block

This area is north-east of NOV 13. It is 10 by 10 yards in size. It is fully lit by torches on the walls and in stands, not to mention lit candles on tables. The walls, floor and ceiling of this oppressive area are a grimy grey metal with many bloodstains and impact dents. This is where many prisoners of the floor’s horrid jail are kept in holding cells, two captives to a cage. (Although there won’t be anyone, prisoner or guard, in this place when the heroes first arrive. Maybe when the dungeon floor restocks…) The guards have four stations at the edges of the area, where they sit at chairs and tables, keep stuff in cabinets, and pass the time while watching over the prisoners. Each (2 by 2 yards) holding cell (there are 15 in total here) features a bare-bones bunk bed, a wooden table with chair, a toilet bucket and a single candle. The bars of each cage have 12 DR and 23 HP. The locks are standard for the floor.

This area is boobytrapped when the adventurers first arrive. All of the cabinets at the guard stations have Evil Runes around their opening handles. The Evil Runes are etched (and thus can be disarmed permanently with corrosive concoctions and a DX-based Thaumatology roll), triggered by contact (and thus opening the cabinet hits you with the effect), detected with a Per-based Thaumatology or Per + Magery roll (IQ-based Thaumatology identifies the runes’ effects), can be avoided by rolling DX-5 and triggered runes inflict Dehydrate-15 (versus HT, 3d-3 injury) on victims (the runes rearm 60 seconds after triggering).

The guard stations have valuables in their cabinets. In total, there’s eight metal bottles of fine wine (each $250, 12 lbs.), 20 ceramic mugs, 40 rations, 20 torches, 40 beeswax candles, 8 tinderboxes, 40 fine cigars (each $200), 4 sets of dragonbone dice (each $120), 4 packs of beautifully painted playing cards (each $150, 0.25 lbs.), one game board and pieces made of silver-coated ivory, dragonbone and deeply-colored glass ($800, 3 lbs.), a pashmina-spider silk blend regular shirt with an expensive multi-colored fringe and an ermine fur trim that is supernaturally embellished with moving star images across its surface ($1680, 0.8 lbs.), 8 small velvet hats all decorated with a jailer’s embroidered patch (each $96, 0.2 lbs.), 8 lanterns, 40 pints of lantern oil, 4 whetstones, 4 first aid kits, 10 yards of chain ($150, 60 lbs.) in every one of the cabinets, a 100-yards coil of ⅜” rope ($50, 15 lbs.) in one cabinet, 4 pairs of tongs, 8 packs of chalk, 4 scribe’s kits, 200 sheets of paper, 12 knobbed clubs, 8 small maces, 4 tonfas, 2 cestuses, 8 brass knuckles, 8 blackjacks, 2 spiked whips (both 3 yards long, $60, 6 lbs., ST 8), 8 short batons, a Balanced Orichalcum Morningstar (won’t break, +2 breakage odds when parried, +1 skill, $2720, 6 lbs.) and an enchanted Improved Ring of Telepathy (usual casting time halved to 2 seconds, wizardly, user-powered, Power-15, Magery or Bardic Talent adds to casting roll, worth $80000).

The northern wall of the area (next to a guard station) features an unlocked door leading directly into another area.

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